A different approach to making pepper mills, by Bill Housley:
A couple of years ago at Totally Turning I attended a rotation of pepper mills. The presenter made his mills quite differently from the “instructions” that come with the kits. What he did was way better than following the directions and that is what I plan to present. I’m going to focus on the “differences” from the kit instructions.
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Bill Housley did an excellent demo on how to make peppermills by NOT following the instructions that come with the kit. He will have an outline of his procedure for Adam to post on the club’s website.
- The membership authorized the payment of the club’s insurance for this year.
- There were 55 people in attendance at this meeting.
- The club welcomes approximately 6 visiting people.
- Rocker donated two $20 gift cards along with other tools for our raffle.
- With President Leon Lowell & Secretary Roland Martin absent due to illness, a sincere thank you to all that pitched in and helped Johnna and David with preparing and running the meeting.