Our January Demo will be Al Mather from the Maine Woodturners club. He will be demonstrating a demo that he describes as “Making the cut.”
Al Mather will demonstrate and look at the similarities of cutting a cylinder, coves and beads with a spindle gouge, a detailed spindle gouge, a skew and a bedan. He will discuss the use of the spindle roughing gouge as well. He will demonstrate the different techniques by turning a biscuit cutter, tree ornaments, possibly a top or/and an icicle. He will turn at production speed to make the demo more interesting. Al will have a bring a few his sample turnings as well.
Club President Eric Johnson opened the meeting @ 6:35 pm. Eric noted that he will be starting monthly member challenges. He’s hoping to push members a bit out of their comfort zone, learn new skills and just plain have fun trying new things.
49 were in attendance, including 8 new members.
Rockler manager Tyler Bernier announced a new partnership with American Association of Woodturners. 35 of the 37 Rockler stores will be promoting “TURNING & LEARN” events in an effort to promote woodturning and the benefits of joining the AAW.
Al Mather demonstrated his processes of creating his biscuit cutters along with tools he uses. 7:00 to 8:40.
The raffle was held and the meeting adjourned at 8:55.