Our demonstrator is Eric Johnson, who will be showing us how to make a ring holder. He says that “this is a great skill builder and incorporates the use of all basic elements of wood turning, the bowl, the spindle, and the finial.” He will show us how to mount the wood in various ways and the use of chucks. As he makes these in bulk, Eric will walk us through his process of production.
- Our June meeting was opened by club President Leon Lowell at 6:30 pm.
- Leon stated that an update in the by-laws should include an article that states what will happen to the club assets in the event that the club would cease operations.
- Carl Jacobsen made a motion that all club assets be equally divided between the American Association of Woodturners for educational purposes and a local Arts and Technical School, to be determined at a later date. Seconded by Elwood Beech. This will be written up as an addition to the by-laws and brought up for a vote.
- Leon also brought up that a volunteer photographer is needed for the club. The club is willing to furnish the camera.
- Eric Johnson expressed interest in taking the club’s old PA system, no other member had any interest. Eric will pick it up at a later date since he had no room to take it that night.
- A nomination committee is needed to replace outgoing President, Vice-President and Secretary. The new officers are to start their terms in January of 2018.
- 38 members were present along with visitor Nick Roberts of Brunswick.
- Adam Courtemanche noted that all meeting photos forwarded to him are now up dated on our website.
- Eric Johnson started his ring holder demo at 7:10 pm.
- At 8:15pm, Bill Housley hosted the show & tell table and the evening ended with our raffle at 8:40 pm.
– Roland Martin, Secretary