November 1, 2017 – Tom Kovalcik

Tom Kovalcik, President of the Seacoast Woodturners in Newington, NH, will be our demonstrator in November. His demo will be on making and applying food-safe oil and wax finishes.

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  • A big thanks to Tom Kovalcik, President of the Seacoast Woodturners, for the very informative demonstration on oil & wax finishes at our November meeting.
  • Leon Lowell brought the Nov. meeting to order at 6:30 pm (27 members were present)
  • Dick Shryock spoke to the membership about him holding a woodcarving class at Rockler 
on Nov. 11th and that he is establishing a woodcarving club, which will meet on the 3rd Sat. of
 each month. (Sorry, I did not make a note as to where)
  • Dick Shryock also made a plea to the club to purchase and donate a lathe to (PATHS)
    Portland Arts & Technology High School. He and Bruce Stillings are members of the advisory
 board. Jill Irving is the instructor for the woodworking program and the membership
 responded by asking that Jill come up with a priority list in order for the club to help in the
 most needed way possible. Jeff Enck and Leon Lowell offered their services in going to 
inspect the current lathes at the school in order to assess if they can be upgraded. The
 membership, as a whole, was quite receptive in helping PATHS and will resume discussions
 at the December meeting. A suggestion was also made for members to donate duplicate or 
extra woodturning tools that they may have.
  • Leon Lowell expressed the need to update and simplify our club’s by-laws, as it hasn’t been
 updated since 2011. There will be further discussion on this matter in the near future.
  • Nominations were taken and voted upon for President, Vice-President and Secretary. There
 were no nominations for the President’s position or the Secretary’s position. Leon Lowell 
agreed to stay as President and Roland Martin agreed to stay as Secretary. Johnna Klukas
 nominated Adam Courtemanche as Vice-President and David Ginsberg seconded the
 motion, Adam accepted the position and will take over in January, 2018. David Ginsberg
 accepted taking over the Librarian duties for the club, as Barbara Simon can no longer do
  • Shortly after the Nov. meeting, Johnna Klukas showed interest in being nominated for the
 Secretary’s position, another nomination and vote may be held at the December meeting.
  • Andy Chen provided Johnna with Corian info and links pertaining to his demonstration, 
which will be posted to the website.

Roland Martin, Secretary

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