September 5, 2018 – Adam Courtemanche

The September meeting will feature Adam Courtemanche demonstrating how to turn (canning) jar lids out of wood and Corian (the countertop material). This process involves a number of turning techniques and Adam will share several tips and tricks to make the process fun and fast.

There was one new member and one visitor at the September meeting and about 30
attendees in total.

There will be a celebration of life service for Damon Harmon on 29 September at the Cumberland Congregational Church, 282 Main St., Cumberland, ME.

Leon Lowell announced that the additional club insurance coverage discussed at the August meeting runs annually beginning on 15 February. There is no reduction in cost ($95/year) for purchasing it halfway through the coverage year. A motion was made and seconded for the club to purchase the extra insurance now anyway. The motion passed by majority vote.

Club Vice President Adam Courtemanche requested assistance in his duties as program chair/demonstration coordinator. Roland Martin offered to assist. Discussion ensued about pursuing other options besides demos at club meetings. Some examples given were: having people bring in pieces they’ve made and describe their making in detail, bringing in a tool or jig for advice on its use in a project, asking the membership for advice on how to deal with problems encountered in projects, etc. The question of coordinating with other clubs to bring in higher profile demonstrators was raised, and a request for assistance in finding, contacting and coordinating such events was made. If anyone is interested in volunteering for this task, please contact Adam or one of the other club officers.

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