September 7, 2016 – Dan Scott

Dan Scott will demonstrate turning finials.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a turner demonstrating finials, and Dan will show us how he does them.

Dan is hoping for a good turnout for this meeting!


New Positions

The Nomination Committee is in the process of taking names for members in good standing for positions of Secretary & Treasurer. These positions are for a two year duration and will begin in the 2017 calendar year. Contact Bruce Delugo or Woody Leland.



A Call for Demonstrators

The club is very much in need of demonstrators for our monthly meetings. Members may be a bit shy about doing a demonstration or think they have nothing to offer. In reality, we all have knowledge about many different aspects of turning, blank preps, work-holding, finishing, detailing, power carving, incorporating various materials, etc. The list is endless! Everyone has something to share and we are all here to learn. Please consider taking part in our teaching and learning experiences and talk to Johnna Klukas!

A big thank you goes out to Dan Scott for demonstrating the art of turning finials at our September meeting. Taking us through the sequences of workholding, tool selection, sanding & finishing proved to be very informative. Dan’s character and humor were an added bonus.

  • The September meeting was opened by our President, Leon Lowell at 6:33pm.
  • Our club welcomed two new members, Robert Fuy and Dan Sullivan.
  • Rockler manager, Tyler Bernier, asked if any members were interested in helping take inventory at the store on September 25th from 8:00am – 2:00pm.
  • 44 members were in attendance.
  • Dan Scott started the demo at 6:50 and concluded at 8:15.
  • Bill Housley then presented the many great member turnings in the Show & Tell segment, followed by the raffle.
  • The meeting concluded at 8:40pm.

Roland Martin, Secretary

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